2020 Villain Arts Minneapolis Tattoo Arts Convention

Minneapolis Info: Attending the 12th Minneapolis Tattoo Arts Convention with more than 60 local and national artists attending, live entertainment and sponsors as well looking for the supplies that you're looking to get, this is the event for you.
Check out our booth while you're visiting to have a look at the newest design on our Xion collection, the Golden Dragon. Taken to be one of the world's popular machine, this is one machine that you would have to see in person to feel the power of the Dragon in the palm of your hands.
Show Dates: January 10-12, 2020
Tickets: $20 Day / $40 3-Day Pass. Children under 12 free
Location: Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, 1300 Nicollet Mall
City: Minneapolis, MN, 55403
Official Website: https://villainarts.com/tattoo-conventions-villain-arts/minneapolis-tattoo-arts-convention/