Australia - Bloodlines Ink Perth

English: I started working in tattoo shops about 13 years ago when I was 19. I loved tattoos, but back then I didn’t even think it were possible for me to become a tattoo artist. I saw an ad in the paper for tattoo aprentices and decided to go for it- and got the job! I didn’t stay at that shop for long, but from that point on I knew that’s what I wanted to pursue.

It was a long journey to learn how to tattoo- there was no instagram when I started, just magazines to get inspiration from. Knowledge wasn’t freely shared, it was a lot of trial and error for me! 

I’ve worked at several shops, and learnt a lot from different artists, and from people I’ve been tattooed by. I tattooed every style when I started- black and grey, tribal, new school, traditional, it took me a long time to find a style I liked and develop it.

I’ve been doing neo traditional style tattoos for about the last 6yrs. The subject matter I tattoo mostly (because I love it!) is lady faces, shading faces is the most enjoyable part of tattooing for me! I’m very fortunate that I’m at a stage in my career where people come to me for pretty much only what I want to tattoo.

I love nature elements, and anything mystical/spiritual, suns and moons and symbology. Part of what I love about tattoos is how they sit on the body and create flow, which is why I like to work on larger scale pieces.

I’m constantly trying to refine my style, the most challenging thing for me is keeping it simple! I try to keep in mind that tattoos need to hold up over a long period of time, I have a habit of over complicating things. 

I love to use many different mediums, like oils and coloured pencils, and often take time off to work on bigger scale pieces using these mediums. I find it helps develop my tattooing style. I hope one day I have enough finished pieces that have some kind of consistency to do an exhibition! 

I’m currently living in the UK, and working at Abrakadavra Studio in Ipswich. I’m from Australia and I return there for a couple of months each year and work in Perth at bloodlines ink studio. 



Kat Abdy
Kat Abdy Kat Abdy
Kat AbdyKat AbdyKat AbdyKat AbdyKat AbdyKat AbdyKat AbdyKat Abdyalt='Kat Abdy'